Inputs as a result of capacity growth, visitors can still buy discount during peak season discount tickets.(由于运力投入的增长,旅客在旺季期间仍可买到优惠的折扣机票。)
Sometimes you may not get the truck on the day you want, especially during the peak season.(有时候,你可能无法得到的卡车当天您想要的,尤其是在旺季。)
It's peak season rate.(这是旺季价格。)
We need extra help during the peak season.(我们在最繁忙的季节需要额外人手。)
We have not even reached the peak season, and already power is in short supply.(问题是还没有到用电高峰期,就已经出现供电短缺。)
Position may require overtime work during the construction industry peak season.(工程机械旺季可能需要加班。。)
If hotel stay involves both peak and off-peak rates, the peak season rate will be applied for the entire stay.(倘若酒店入住跨越旺季与非旺季,旅客须全程依照旺季价目缴费。)
This is the peak season... I'm very sorry, but could you call us again later? We may have some cancellations.(因这是旺季,非常抱歉,但是请您迟些再打电话过来好吗?可能会有人取消预订。)
It is peak season for job hunting now, but the supply of positions is already running dry.(又到了求职就业的高峰期,但市场提供的职位却越来越少。)
Sincerely help others reach their goals, their own career forever in the peak season.(真诚地帮助别人达到目标,自已的事业永远处于旺季。)
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